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Bildungszentrum der Jesuiten und der Caritas gemeinnützige Ges.m.b.H.
(Education Centre of the Jesuits and Caritas non-profit Ltd.)Link kopieren

Kardinal-König-Platz 3
A-1130 Vienna

Fr. Mag. Friedrich Prassl SJ, Director

Telephone: 0043 /(0)1 / 804 75 93 – 990
Fax: 0043 / (0)1 / 804 97 43
UID: ATU 63052537, FN: 287572a



Kardinal König Haus is a
founding member of 


Bildungszentrum der Jesuiten und der Caritas gemeinnützige Ges.m.b.H.  
(Education Centre of the Jesuits and Caritas non-profit Ltd.)
Kardinal-König-Platz 3
1130 Vienna 

General Purpose

Information about the programme at Kardinal König Haus, general information, events, the infrastructure and staff
Editor: C. Hafner

Privacy Policy 

We take privacy seriously and treat your data in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You can find our privacy policy on how we collect, use and share your personal information on www.kardinal-koenig-haus.at/datenschutz.php (in German). If you have further questions or concerns, please contact Mag. (FH) Peter Fürst: datenschutz@kardinal-koenig-haus.at.


All texts on the website have been thoroughly checked. Nevertheless, the company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or actuality of the information. 

Links to external websites have been carefully examined, however the company assumes no liability concerning the content of these websites. 


All photos originate from the photo archive of Kardinal König Haus. All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright. Use is only permitted with the express permission of the owner.